To update the Firmware of a station you need:
1. Pessl Instr. Firmware Uploader (FW Uploader)
2. micro USB cable to connect the main boards to the PC or Notebook
3. Battery
4. latest version of the Firmware (FW) for the main board
You can download the FW here:
Firmware for µMetos NB-IoT (29-0409)
You can download the FW Uploader here:
For more information or help please read Download PI FW Uploader in our solutions.
To manually upload the firmware on the station, please follow the given next steps:
- Open the program Firmware uploader
- On "Select FW" sellect the correct FW for the station e.g:
Firmware_uMetosNBIoTV40_3.13.20220615.bin - On “Device” select the correct device
- On "COM Port" Select the correct COM Port. If it is the only one device connected to your PC, COM port is detected automatically.
- Unplug the battery and solar panel.
- Connect the PC to the station (USB Cable yellow circle) Make sure that there are not other USB cables connected to your PC.
- Plug in the battery (blue circle)
µMETOS 29-0409 motherboard
- The motherboard now starts, Yellow LED is on (see red circle below).
- Click “Upload FW”
- As soon as you see the message “Firmware successfully uploaded”, you’re done.
- To leave the menu/click “Close Port”.
- Remove the USB cable on the board.
Important note:
The complete monitoring of the communication process should take place after each installation by connecting the PC to the µMetos. The installer should never leave the site without performing a sensor test and communication process log
- To double check if the update was successful follow the next given steps:
- Open the PI Service Terminal
- Connect the PC to the board via USB cable and connect the battery.
- Then click "Connect".
- Wait until the Main Menu appears or press "H"
- Press "1" for Print System Info
- Now you see at "FW Version:" the actual version of your firmware - At "Serial number" you see your actual serial number.
- Press now on "Disconnect" and unplug the USB cable and the battery