In this article you will learn how to create alerts in FieldClimate and in the mobile app.
Please follow the next given steps:
1 Choose a station that you want to set Alerts on
2 Click on the Device Setting Icon on the left side of FieldClimate
3 Choose either the SMS warnings or Web Notifications
4 Setting up the Station SMS Warnings
1. First enter a phone number(s) with name(s) of the customer you
want to receive the SMS directly from the IoT device. You can
save multiple phone numbers/names, make them active or non
active or remove them from the list.
2. Remember that the SMS warning will be sent directly from the IoT
device so that there is no delay in critical alerts or any chance of
the web notifications not working.
3. Also, that SMS warnings will incur a charge on your cellular
plan. Make sure you know how many SMS can be sent without
additional charges
4. When complete, make sure you save changes
5 Use the ? on the far right to provide a description of the setup of SMS Warnings
6 Setting up the Station SMS Warnings
1. The sensor shown in the list are based on the sensors installed on the particular IoT device.
2. Choose the sensor that you want the warning for, e.g. temperature, rain, soil moisture.
3. Warning thresholds can be full numbers or decimal values.
4. You can have multiple thresholds for one sensor, but they must be separated with a coma.
5. Make sure you click the Save Warning Settings button after making changes.
7 Use the ? on the far right to provide a description of the setup of SMS Warnings
8 Setting up the Web Notifications
1. When setting up a new alert choose whether the warning is Above or Below a threshold
2. Choose the sensor for the warning
3. Set the thresholds for the warning levels: same convention as the SMS alerts
4. Set the resend period: e.g. 1, 2, 4, 6 hours
5. There is also an email option for sending the warning
6. If you want the alert connected and sent to your FieldClimate mobile app, then make sure the button is set to Active. Read the warning below the Active button
7. When finished, click Save New Alert and it will appear below in the Current Alerts list
8. If you wish to change thresholds of alerts, you can do this in the Current Alerts area.
The resend period, active or non active can also be change.
* After each change click the Update button
* If you wish to delete the alert, click the Delete button
9 • All active and historical notifications can be found by clicking the notification Bell on the right side of FieldClimate.
• Alerts setup in FieldClimate are linked to your mobile account and the same Bell can be found on your mobile device.
10 Mobile Alert Button and Setup
Notifications are synchronized with your desktop FieldClimateClicking on the Alert Button list all notifications
11 Clicking on the Configuration button allows you to edit or delete the alertClicking on the + sign allows you to add new alerts
Examples of Alert Templates
1. Precipitation amounts: 6.25 mm (1/4 inch), 12.5 mm(1/2 inch), 19.0 mm( 3.4 inch) and 25 mm (1 inch)
2. Fall soil temperature for fertilizer application (top sensor at 2.5 cm deep): 9C, 8C, 7C and 6C
3. Spray condition alert: Wind speed > 15 kph, gust > 25 kph, delta > 7C and 8C, rain > 1mm, RH <45%
4. Wind Alert: wind speed >25 kph, wind gust >60 kph, wind direction (choose direction)
5. Cool temperature alert for spraying: temperature < 5, 6, 7 Celsius
6. Soil Moisture levels: < or > numerous values for fertilizer efficiency, irrigation, etc.
7. Heat Stress in canola: temperatures > 28, 29, 30 Celsius
Note: These are just examples and all times you should follow the product guides for applications of fungicides, pesticides and herbicides.
12 Setting up a general Precipitation Notification
Alert levels above 6.25 mm(1/4 inch), 12.5 mm(1/2 inch), 19 mm(3/4inch) and 25 mm(1inch)• Precipitation alert levels above the predefined thresholds (6.25,12, 19 and 25mm) are set and will resend after 1 hour.
• If any of these thresholds are reached, a notification to the desktop and app will be sent.
• After you save the alert, you can modify the criteria used, choose whether its active and delete the alert.
13 Setting up a Soil Temperature Notification for Fall Fertility Applications
Alert levels below 9, 8, 7 and 6 Celsius
Soil Temperature alert levels below the predefined thresholds (9, 8, 7 and 6 Celsius) are set and will resend after 1 hour.
• If any of these thresholds are reached, a notification to the desktop and app will be sent.
• After you save the alert, you can modify the criteria used, choose whether its active and delete the alert.
14 Setting up a Cool Temperature notification for Spraying
Alert levels below 7,6, 5 Celsius
• Air Temperature alert levels below the predefined thresholds (7, 6, 5 celsius) are set and will resend after 1 hour.
• If any of these thresholds are reached, a notification to the desktop and app will be sent.
• After you save the alert, you can modify the criteria used, choose whether its active and delete the alert.
15 Setting up a Heat Stress in Canola notification
Alert levels above 28, 29, 30 Celsius
• Air Temperature alert levels above the predefined thresholds (28, 29, 30celsius) are set and will resend after 1 hour.
• If any of these thresholds are reached, a notification to the desktop and app will be sent.
• After you save the alert, you can modify the criteria used, choose whether its active and delete the alert.
16 Setting up a Wind Speed, Gust & Direction Notification
Alert levels above 15 KPH and 25 KPH and Direction from West
• Wind Speed alert levels above the predefined threshold of 15 Kph and Wind Gust alert above 25 Kph and Wind Direction is >270 degrees or greater than West
• If any of these thresholds are reached, a notification to the desktop and app will be sent.
• After you save the alert, you can modify the criteria used, choose whether its active and delete the alert.
17 Setting up a Soil Moisture Sensor Notification for Nutrient Efficiency
Alert levels above 30% Volumetric Water Content in a Clay Soil
• Soil Moisture alert for levels above 30% VWC at 15cm to achieve 90% efficiency in a clay soil
• If the thresholds is reached, a notification to the desktop and app will be sent.
• After you save the alert, you can modify the criteria used, choose whether its active and delete the alert.
18 Setting up a multi-variable Spray Notification
Alert levels Wind Speed > 15 KPH, Wind Gust >25 KPH, Delta T > 7 and 8, Precipitation > 1.0 mm and Relative Humidity <45%
• Wind Speed alert levels above the predefined threshold of 15 Kph, Wind Gust >25 Kph, Delta T > 7 and 8, Precipitation >1.0 and Relative Humidity <45%
• If any of these thresholds are reached, a notification to the desktop and app will be sent.
• After you save the alert, you can modify the criteria used, choose whether its active and delete the alert.