Please check the sim card the following way:
- Unplug the battery and the solar panel
- Take the SIM card out of the station
- Check the SIM card for obvious damages or dirt
- Insert the SIM card into a mobile phone
- Switch off the WLAN on the mobile phone
- Try to open a website
- If you were able to open a website on the mobile phone, the SIM card should be OK
- Put the SIM card back into the station and plug in the battery, the LEDs on the main circuit board must start to light up
- Connect the solar panel
- The station is now trying to establish a connection to the Filed Climate, if that works you should see in about 5 minutes on Field Climate (Device Settings -> Information -> Communication History (red Square below)) that the station has connected, probably the SIM card then had a bad contact
- If you could not establish an internet connection, please contact your provider to check the SIM card and replace it
- Please inform us via Ticket when you have replaced the SIM card, that we can check the station on the server if everything is correct