You need:

Please follow these instructions:

Make sure there is !! NO JUMPER on the motherboard  !! 

Start the PI Service terminal program.

Click at "Save to Logfile". (red circle below)


As soon as you click at "Save to Logfile" the complete folder path including the file name is displayed in the status bar (red Square below).
Normally Log files are stored in the folder "Log_Files", which is created in the program's folder path. 

The date and time at this point are part of the file name, e.g. "logfile 2022_04_19 12:00:00.txt".

Connect the PC and the motherboard (PCB) with the USB cable (MAIN USB, red square below).

On "Serial port" select the correct COM used (1) see image below. 
(When it's the only device connected to the PC the COM is selected automatically)

The Baud rate is set automatically (2) see image below.

Then click "Connect" (3) see image below.

To see the Full Report

Put jumper on J1 at PCB

and go to 


and press

(1)     SYSTEM  


(2)     FULL REPORT 

In this report we have the events of the Station from the time when the station could not send.


To get Station Data

Go back to MAIN MENU wit ESC


(3)     MODEM

and then 


and remove the jumper from J1 

The system now starts a transmission that takes a few minutes 


In this report we see..

..if the PIN query is deactivated at the SIM card

..if the System has found the APN settings for the Sim card the System connects to Roaming mode

..if the System starts to transfer to server

..if the System sends infos like SN, FW to the server.

Wait until

>> Turning modem off

Click at "Save to Logfile" again and you Lockfile is stored automatically in the folder "Log_Files" as TEXT (.txt).

Send it to us via ticket system!

Then click "Disconnect" and you are finished (see image below)

SPY LOG (no commands sent to the device from the terminal)

Log needed to evaluate communication processes.

For the logs the PI service terminal, as follows:

  1. Connect USB cables between ECCU and computer, and between camera and computer.
  2. Start the PI service terminal.
  3. Make sure the save to log file and timestamp options are selected in the service terminal.
  4. connect to each of the device's com port using the connect button.
  5. Note, you will need two tabs; one for ECCU and the other for the camera.