To update the Firmware of a station you need:
1. Pessl Instr. Firmware Uploader (FW Uploader)
2. Mini USB cable to connect the main board to the PC or Notebook
3. jumper (jumper RM2,54)
4. latest version of the Firmware (FW) for the main board
Latest Firmware (FW) all Stations
You can download the FW Uploader here:
For more information or help please readDownload PI FW Uploader in our solutions.
To manually upload the firmware on the station, please follow the given next steps:
- Unplug the battery and solar panel and control unit cable.
Open the program Firmware uploader
- On "Select FW" sellect the correct FW for the station e.g:
Firmware_CropView_2.022.20210909.binary On “Device” select the correct device (In this case Crop VIEW DUAL)
- Jumper the BOOT pins and plug the USB cable into MAIN usb port. Make sure the YELLOW led has lit up.Recommendation: make sure that there are not other USB cables connected to your PC
If it is the only one device connected to your PC, COM port is detected automatically.
Click “Open Port”
Click “Upload FW”
As soon as you see the message “Upload process done”, you’re finished.
To leave the application click “Close Port”, remove the Boot jumper from the board and unplug the USB Cable.