1 Once the General settings for the Cropzone are set, you now can set the Yield Prediction settings.

This includes Crop type, sowing and expected harvest date, fine tuning the maturity date and yield expectation.

Advanced settings: best average yield, initial soil moisture at sowing, soil texture, soil field capacity and wilting point, yield units and the weather station(s) for air temperature and rain source. The station nearest to the field needs a weather forecast

Once the Cropzone is set, you now look at the Yield Prediction results by clicking on the graph.

The graph includes the Setting overview, Yield prediction graphs based on your station’s measured rainfall, Yield Prediction based on the longterm average rainfall and the Yield prediction based on the seasonal forecast to physiological maturity.

A graph for daily, cumulative and long-term precipitation is also displayed.

The window displays the Yield Prediction overview: predicted physiological maturity, Yield today, Predicted at harvest (normal year) and Predicted Yield at harvest (current year + seasonal forecast)

Use the  ?  on the far right to access help on each Yield Prediction pageGeneral Cropzone setting.

You also have access to 10-meter resolution satellite imagery for your defined cropzones. View either Leaf Area Index or Normalized Difference Vegetation index (NDVI) over time (cloud dependent). Satellite imagery is very good at looking at field or cropzone variability, both spatially and over time. Peak NDVI has been used to estimate yields across the field.